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What to Expect in Plumbing Continuing Ed Classes

In order to continue to operate as a licensed plumber, plumbers in the Chicagoland area are required to receive a certain number of continuing education hours every year. This training ensures that licensed plumbers maintain their skills and learn new methods and technology. A plumbers’ license expires once a year in Illinois, on May 1. Will you be up for renewal this year? If so, consider Illinois Plumbing Consultants for your plumber continuing education classes.

How Many Hours of Continuing Education Do Plumbers Need?

In order to apply to license renewal, plumbers must take four hours of continuing education classes each year. Approved sponsors like Illinois Plumbing Consultants offer several convenient dates for continuing education classes. We hold our plumbing continuing ed classes on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., so you can get the hours you need in one day without having to move your schedule around too much. Plumbers can register for continuing education classes by providing their employer’s name and plumber license number. The plumber license must also be presented on the day of the class.

Topics typically include drainage, plumbing fixtures, water supply and distribution, venting and traps. No matter what the course topic, plumbers can expect to learn about the latest technology, advanced plumbing techniques, changes in the plumbing industry and comprehensive information about plumbing codes. Like any other industry, methods and tools change with technology. With continuing education classes, plumbers stay up-to-date in the trade and develop excellence in the field.

Courses at Illinois Plumbing Consultants

Illinois Plumbing Consultants offers continuing education classes and a well-planned apprenticeship program to help plumbers build a solid and productive career. Attaining the required continuing education credits can be tough for a busy plumber, so Illinois Plumbing Consultants has devised a program to meet the time constraints of plumbers’ schedules. All of our classes are taught by highly-skilled educators who have many years of experience in the field of plumbing. In addition to high levels of knowledge, the educators are passionate about providing you with the best learning experience. Contact us today with any questions you have about your plumbing career in Chicago and the surrounding areas.

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Our Educators
Our Instructors Have Real-World Experience
Jeff Swanson

Jeff brings over 50 years of experience in the trades. He is a Master Plumber, Master Pump Installer, Licensed CCCDI, EPA certified in lead removal, HVAC Certified Technician, EPA certified refrigerant practices instructor and IDPH Certified Instructor.

Rick Sperando

Rick Sperando has been in the plumbing industry for over 35 years. He successfully owns and operates a local plumbing and mechanical company as well as IPC.

Scott Underwood

Scott Underwood brings over 20 years of industry experience along with 10 years of instruction. He currently holds his IL Plumbers License as well as his CCCDI license. Scott is currently a co-owner of a successful plumbing company in McHenry County.

Read About Our Educators